Grid Collage, Photo filter, free from collage and more in a single application.
This application has grid style collages with photo effects applied to photos. Add multiple shapes to your photos and make stunning images.
Grid Collages with grids for 2,3,4 and more photos. Double tap on photo to set a photo filter or effect. Free Form Collages are here now.
Add text to photos in different fonts. Different photo borders that can be configured.
Select any number of Photos and Create Free Flow Collages. Two Finger Gestures to move photos around, Resize Photos, Rotate Photos. Apply multiple overlay effects as well as lomo, sketch and more effects.
After you are done editing the photos you can store images to your phone or share that image to multiple social networking sites. Rounded images you can do here and even apply multiple backgrounds in it. Multiple photo textures that can be applied as backgrounds for collages.
Create awesome looking collages with Photo Mixer.
Any feedback is welcome and appreciated.
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